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Hi! My name is Sadie.
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit this site and read about some of the things I'm passionate about.
A little bit about me: I am a child of God, a Chinese-Canadian, and a labour and delivery nurse. I love being in the great outdoors, spending quality time with friends, dabbling with some casual graphic design here and there, and eating all types of noodles. I first learned about Save the Mothers (STM) from one of my Christian sisters at church, an OBGYN who travelled with the organization to Uganda. After she returned, she organized a STM walk for our church and shared about her experience. At the time, I was still a student in nursing school who had absolutely no idea that God would lead me to work with moms and babies in the future...
Now that I am a nurse working in this field, reading more about maternal and infant health in developing countries has been jarring. I realize how much support we have for moms and babies in Canada - the trained personnel; the equipment, medications, and facilities we have so readily on hand; all the screening and monitoring that we do in pregnancy, during labour and after birth... we are so, so privileged. It is simply too easy for us to take all of this for granted. At the same time, reading about STM's work has been so uplifting for me. They are planting seeds to create long-term change - change that isn't just donating money or supplies, but providing education to empower local people.
It has definitely been a whirlwind of a year, and this pandemic has opened my eyes to realize the many ways I am blessed. More so than ever, I am reminded to give thanks for my health, family, friends, job, and finances during these turbulent times. However, experiencing stability in the midst of global chaos has made it easy for me to stay comfortable.... so I've been asking God what He wants me to do with these blessings. That's when he reminded me of Save the Mothers! God definitely made something click in my heart, and I knew I wanted to support them.
Looking back, I know without a doubt that God has placed me in this profession for a reason, and the Movement for Mothers is just another step in that journey. Know that God is so real and he is at work - He guided Dr. Chamberlain to start STM, He guided me to start this fundraiser, He's guiding you to this site to read these words right now, and He's challenging you to do something about it... so now it's up to you. What will you do to respond to Him?
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